15.02.2010 | permalink
Agribusiness and hunger – Threat to global food security drives collaborative business models

Commentary by Dr. Claire Schaffnit-Chatterjee. Ironically, most of the world’s hungry earn their living from agriculture. More than three-quarters of poor people live in rural areas, which means that most of the food insecure live in areas where food is produced. And about two billion of the world’s three billion rural inhabitants live off the income generated from farming less than two hectares. Not only victims of hunger, small farmers are also part of the solution, due to their sheer number and due to their potential for boosting yields. In turn, the success of the global agribusiness sector depends on the success of small farmers. The rising awareness of this link is prompting a number of global food processors and retailers to take a keen interest in the commercial viability of small farms in the developing world.