11.09.2012 | permalink
Soya Monoculture Advances Across Southern America

A report revealing how soy monoculture is advancing in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay entitled ‘Soybean Production in the Southern Cone of the Americas: Update on Land Use and Pesticides’ has been released by the Norwegian Centre for Biosafety. The report addresses “soyization” as a regional problem, illustrating how deforestation, land consolidation, and evictions have increased now that, between these five countries, 44% of cultivated land has only the soy crop grown on it. This huge growth in production has involved the takeover and clearing of new territories, significantly increasing the use of pesticides, and seeing all five countries putting vast swaths of their territory at the disposal of Europe and Asia's needs. The report signals that the process of land consolidation amongst a few landowners has become more pronounced and confirms what peasant organizations and many researchers have warned for a decade, that soy production and land consolidation go hand in hand. An ever smaller number of producers manage bigger and bigger areas, reaching management units of 2,500 to 5,000 hectares in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. In Paraguay, in 2005, 4% of soy producers controlled 60% of the total of all areas with this crop and in Brazil, in 2006, 5% of soy producers controlled 59% of all area dedicated to this crop. The report also highlights the widespread adoption of trangsenic soy and the implementation of direct seeding as the principle causes of the exponential increase in the use of agrochemicals, in particular glyphosate. Another factor explaining this increase is the appearance of weeds resistant to common herbicides, which provokes an increase in the use of other, complementary pesticides, themselves often more toxic, including 24D and paraquat.
07.09.2012 | permalink
UN Report: Pesticide Related Illnesses Explode Across Sub-Saharan Africa

The cost of pesticide-related illnesses in sub-Saharan African between 2005 and 2020 could reach $90bn, according to a UN report released on Wednesday highlighting the increasing health and environmental hazards from chemicals. The report by the UN environment programme (Unep) warned that the production of chemicals, especially in emerging economies where there are weaker safeguards, is damaging the environment and increasing health costs. It urged governments to step up action to meet a target set by the world's nations in 2002 to produce and use chemicals by 2020 in ways that minimise adverse effects on human health and the environment. Unep said chemical output has grown to $4.12tn, compared with $171bn in 1970. But of the more than 140,000 chemicals estimated to be on the market today, Unep said only a fraction have been thoroughly evaluated to determine their effects on health and the environment. The report collected scientific, technical and socio-economic data for the first time on the global production, trade, use and disposal of chemicals, their health effects, and the economic implications. It also looked at benzene, a well-known carcinogen associated with leukemia and other diseases, whose use in Asia over the past two decades has multiplied. It found that consumption of benzene grew 800% in China from 1990-2008 compared with 13% in North America. "Pollution and disease related to the unsustainable use, production and disposal of chemicals can, in fact, hinder progress towards key development targets by affecting water supplies, food security, well-being or worker productivity," UNEP's executive director Achim Steiner said.
03.09.2012 | permalink
Barclays Accused of Profiting from World Hunger

The World Development Movement (WDM) have estimated that Barclays bank will make up to £529million in 2010 and 2011 from speculating in food markets while millions of people around the world face starvation and crippling food prices. Figures released by the WDM this week show that world food prices jumped 10 per cent in July, with maize prices hitting a record level after rising 25 per cent in the month. The price of maize in Mozambique, where people spend over half of their income on food, more than doubled between April and July while South Africans faced a 27 per cent hike in wheat prices during those three months. These figures follow a damning WDM report released earlier this year that claimed 'Massive influxes of speculative money in food markets have been driving sharp price spikes, sending the cost of food soaring beyond the reach of the world’s poorest people,' WMD policy and campaigns officer Christine Haigh said: '(Barclays) behavior risks fueling a speculative bubble and contributing to hunger and poverty for millions of the world's poorest people'. Barclays' dominance in the commodities market is widely recognised within the financial industry, winning the Risk Magazine Award for Commodity and Energy Derivatives House of the Year for 2008, 2009 and 2011. The WDM have demanded tough new rules to prevent more food crisis, 'clear, hard rules are required to control financial speculation and to help prevent another global food crisis.'
29.08.2012 | permalink
Rising Food Prices: G20 to Wait and See

In the light of soaring food prices, the G20 countries have decided not to take joint action until the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) release its new crop report in September. In a video conference call on Monday, agriculture officials from France, the US and Mexico, which currently holds the G20 presidency, discussed current price increases with representatives from various UN agencies, including the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Droughts in the US and poor crops harvests in the former Soviet Union have caused new fears about an imminent food crisis. According to a statement released yesterday by the French agricultural ministry, the G20 said that “the current market situation is worrying” but thanks to stable rice prices “no threat is hanging over world food security.” The aim of the conference call was to decide whether a meeting of the 'Rapid Response Forum' should be convened: a forum within the framework of the Agricultural Market Information System created by the G20 in 2011 as a response to abnormal market conditions. A decision on this has now been postponed until September 12. On Monday, FAO Director-General Jose Graziano Da Silva called on the G20 to take immediate steps to tackle the high food prices. “We need coordinated action and I believe that the G20 is responsible enough for this action”, he said. Da Silva urged the states to avoid unilateral export bans, such as trade restrictions after Russia’s 2010 drought.
26.08.2012 | permalink
World Water Week Focuses on Water and Food Security

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is using ‘World Water Week’ to highlight the negative impact of water scarcity on food production. The relationship between water and food security is the topic of this year’s event organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute, taking place from the 26-31 August in Stockholm. It will bring together scientists, politicians, the private sector and civil society. According to IFAD, the link becomes particularly evident in the Near East and North Africa region, where just one per cent of global freshwater resources are located. The lack of water is limiting the potential for local food production, with irrigated agriculture already accounting for 85 per cent of total freshwater withdrawal there. “Water scarcity will become the main constraint to socio-economic development in the region, which is why it is crucial to work on integrated adaptation strategies”, said Khalida Bouzar, Director of the Near East, North Africa and Europe Division at IFAD. Benedikt Haerlin of the Foundation on Future Farming has also underlined the need to adapt the entire food production process to available water quantities. “The decisive point is actually how we maintain the water in the ground and in plants throughout the ecosystem before it evaporates”, he said in an interview with Deutsche Welle. Haerlin warned against monocultures as this agricultural practice preserves little water in the ground, thus having a negative effect on the global water cycle.
23.08.2012 | permalink
Argentina: Historic Court Ruling on Illegal Pesticide Use

In the first case of its kind in Argentina, the poisoning of people through the use of pesticides has been punished. Soya farmer, Francisco Parra, and pilot of pesticide-spraying aircrafts, Edgardo Pancello, were yesterday convicted of polluting the neighbourhood of Ituzaingó Anexo with glyphosate and endosulfan. Both were given conditional sentences of three years, along with community service. A third defendant, also a soy producer, was acquitted due to lack of evidence. In 2001, a group of community activists known as the Mothers of Ituzaingó started to document the high number of miscarriages, infant deaths and illnesses in the area. According to the public attorney, 169 of the 5,000 inhabitants of Ituzaingó Anexo died from cancer between 2002 and 2010. Following the verdict, one of the claimants, environmental activist Sofía Gatica, whose baby daughter died of kidney failure shortly after birth said “It is a historic sentence, but the fact that it is only a conditional verdict is a slap into the face for the victims.” Gatica was awarded the ‘Goldman Environmental Prize’ for her courage in the ten-year battle against pesticides earlier this year. In Argentina, 370 million litres of pesticides are used every year, especially on the soy fields where animal feed for Europe’s meat industry is produced. In September, Sofìa Gatica and Maria del Milagro Godoy will talk about their experiences at the GMO Free Europe Conference, as well as at different events taking place as part of a speakers tour across Europe.
- TreeHugger: A Landmark Ruling Against Agrochemicals in Argentina Receives Mixed Reactions
- BBC News: Argentina convicts two over illegal agrochemicals use
- GMO Free Regions: Speakers Tour: Fatal Soya - The Mothers of Ituzaingó
- Foundation on Future Farming: Argentina: Soya farmer and pilot convicted of poisoning the population with pesticide glyphosate
20.08.2012 | permalink
UN experts: Climate Change Could Disrupt Food Distribution

Climate change could threaten food supply chains from fields to consumers’ forks, and trigger further food price spikes such as the one the world is currently experiencing following the drought in the United States. According to food security experts contributing to a United Nations report on global warming (due to be published in 2014), governments should pay more attention to the impact of extreme weather events, such as heat, drought and floods, on food supplies. "It has not been properly recognised yet that we are dealing with a food system here. There is a whole chain that is also going to be affected by climate change", said Professor Dr John Porter of the University of Copenhagen. He added that he was only stating his personal opinion, not that of the UN panel. Floods could destroy roads or bridges, and prevent food from reaching processing factories or supermarkets. Heavy storms could destroy grain storage facilities. The experts said that extreme weather events require more research into drought- and flood-resistant crops.
13.08.2012 | permalink
UK Hunger Summit: Fighting Hunger with Big Business

On Sunday, British Prime Minister David Cameron hosted a hunger summit at Downing Street. Political leaders from Brazil, Kenya and India among others, as well as representatives from NGOs and the private sector, were joined by double Olympic champion Mo Farah at the event where a plan to cut child malnutrition by the next Olympics in Rio was announced. 170 million children are currently suffering from stunted growth as a result of inadequate diet, which prevents them from fulfilling their potential. Cameron hopes to secure sufficient pledges to save 25 million children under five from stunting by 2016. It is hoped this target will be met through scientific innovation, better government accountability in developing countries and greater co-operation with the private sector. The UK has promised a £120 million investment in research for drought-resistant and vitamin-enriched crops. Together with Canada, Ireland, the US and the Gates Foundation, Britain will invest in HarvestPlus: a programme for biofortified crops, to make nutrition-rich seeds and tubers availabe to people in Africa and India. Ahead of the summit, NGOs warned against the private sector liaison which involves companies such as Unilever, Syngenta and British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline. Amy Horton from World Development Movement criticised the approach of marketing products to the ‘bottom billion’ of poor consumers: “It’s great that David Cameron is using the Olympics to focus attention on the need to reverse the rising incidence of child malnutrition. But by promoting the role of big business in developing countries’ food markets, his approach risks entrenching the root causes of hunger.” This concern is shared by campaign group Baby Milk Action, which stated that “public-private partnerships involve shared decision making. This can lead to the control of marketing practices that undermine breastfeeding, and sustainable, affordable, nutritious family foods being overlooked in favour of ‘market-led’ strategies.”
09.08.2012 | permalink
FAO: Risk of New Food Crisis as Prices Soar

According to the Food Price Index, global food prices have increased by 6% from June to July. The index, published today by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), measures monthly price changes in a food basket consisting of commodities such as cereals, dairy products and oilseed. Food prices averaged 213 points in July. This is still below the two previous price peaks in June 2008 and February 2011 - 224 and 238 points respectively. However, prices are getting dangerously close to the level of the 2007/2008 food price crisis when soaring cereal prices sparked violent food riots and hunger. “There is a potential for a situation to develop like we had back in 2007/08”, FAO’s Senior Economist Abdolreza Abbassian told Reuters. He warned against pursuing inadequate policies and intervening in the market by restrictions: “If those policies get repeated, anything is possible.” Following three months of decline, the current rise in prices was mainly triggered by a jump in grain and sugar prices. The FAO Cereal Price Index reached 260 points in July – a rise of 17% compared to June – and was only 14 points below the record high of 274 points in April 2008. The surge was driven by a severe deterioration of maize crop prospects due to the ongoing drought in large parts of the US, which pushed up maize prices by 23% in July. Worsened production prospects in the Russia and a strong anticipated demand for wheat as animal feed due to scarce maize supplies saw international wheat quotations increase by 19%.
07.08.2012 | permalink
EU Emissions Decrease - Agriculture Remains one of the Biggest Polluters

According to a new report published last week by the European Environment Agency (EEA), emissions of air pollutants in the European Union have decreased over the past 20 years despite the fact that several Member States have failed to meet internationally agreed emission limits. The agricultural sector also remains one of the biggest polluters, along with industry, road transport, power plants and households. In 1999, European countries commited to reducing air pollution under the Gothenburg Protocol of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP), which established emissions ceilings for nitrogen oxides, non-methane volatile organic compounds, ammonia and sulphur oxide - to be met by 2010. The report found that 11 countries had exceeded the agreed limits for these air pollutants. In 2010, the agricultural sector was responsible for the lion’s share of ammonia emissions (94%), with France and Germany accounting for most of these emissions in absolute terms. The good news is that ammonia (NH3) emissions decreased by 28% between 1990 and 2010, with the most significant cuts achieved by Poland, the Netherlands and Germany. The EEA report largely attributes the fall in ammonia emissions to reduced livestock numbers in Europe, and the lower use of nitrogenous fertilisers. Agriculture also accounts for 11% of coarse particulate matter emissions, which increased by 8% between 2000 and 2010 and are particularly harmful to human health.